Check Out 25 Habits Of Happy People.

Everyone wants to be healthy, happy and successful. However, do you find yourself thinking: “If only I had a better body, more money, or a flashier car…etc.?” If so, then you may be focusing on the wrong things.  Instead, take a look below at the ways in which truly happy people operate:
1. They forgive. A grudge is like deadweight. The only thing it could ever do is hold you back.
2. They are willing to admit when they are at fault. This displays strength of character, humbleness, and maturity to one’s social circle.
3. They surround themselves with people who are good for them and let go of people who are not. Seek to create mutual relationships, and recognize parasitic ones.
4. They don’t take hateful criticism to heart. Instead they realize that everyone loses their temper.
5. They get motivated by their enemies instead of being discouraged by them. Energy is energy, no matter the form, so take your critic’s negative energy and use it for your benefit.
6. They focus on what they believe is important instead of simply pleasing others. The crowd effect is powerful, and it takes control of the majority of people. It takes an incredibly strong person to stand up for what they believe even when no one else shares their belief.
7. They have morals that they stick to, in both their personal and professional life. This reduces the chance of feeling guilt.
8. They exercise regularly. Exercise does so much for a person. It gives them higher self-esteem, strength, endurance, and releases endorphins that keep you naturally happy.
9. They eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet. The brain runs at full capacity when it is nourished. They detox their mind and body regularly to remove negative thoughts and toxins. You can learn how to effectively and safely detox your body in my e-book The Detox Guide.
10. They read a lot. Whether this is the news and/or a good book. They know this is a great way to learn about the world and our culture. Reading is also a great way to experience life through the perspective of some of the greatest minds in human history.
11. They are risk takers. This means they have less regret. Don’t you find that you tend to regret the things you didn’t do, rather than things you did? Most people just wait for that big break to land right into their lap. Life just doesn’t work that way. It’s all about risk and reward. If you take a big risk you have a chance at a big reward, or maybe a big loss.
12. They learn to say ‘no,’ instead of just doing things for the sake of it. This allows them to take control and do what they feel is significant to them, or those they care about.
13. They focus on living in the here and now. Most people spend a lot of their time worrying about their past or what is to come in the future. Whereas if we focused on enjoying the moment, we would feel a greater sense of happiness and appreciation for what we have. So don’t dwell on the past or future. Enjoy every day.
14. They worry less. Don’t you find yourself worrying about things that never actually happen? It’s actually just the principle of uncertainty. It is natural to fear uncertainty, but it is important to accept it so you can go on without getting trapped in a box of imaginary fears.
15. They are naturally caring to others and realize that human kind should be there for each other. If you harm another person than you are harming yourself in some way also.
16. They believe in what they are doing and feel an immense amount of passionate for it. It takes a great amount of passion to be able to follow your heart into a big risk. Most of the greatest inventions would not have come to fruition if not for the passion and perseverance of great men and women.
17. They take care of their health and understand that it’s much easier to prevent disease than treat it. Personally, I like to take care of my body using the healing power of nature, and I frequently use my e-book Herbal Remedies Guide as a reference.
18. They don’t complain. Everyone is handed terrible things sometime. Successful people understand that it is more important to focus on fixing the problem rather than complaining about the problem.
19. However, if they need to talk to anyone about a problem, they know they have friends and family who they can confide in, who will be able to support and advise them. Many times you get too stuck in a certain perspective. Sharing problems with others help you vent, and can come up with outside your box solution.
20. They don’t compare themselves to others. There will always be people who are richer, taller, wiser, or more athletic but that doesn’t matter, because if you strive to be a good person and the best you can be, then you are successful in your own right, and that should make you feel proud. Everyone has their own niche. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Every man is my superior in some way, and in that I will learn from him.”
21. They encourage others to be happy and successful. Empathy is a huge part of being successful. If you can’t put yourself in someone else’s shoes, then how can you get a friend through a tough time?
22. They are not jealous of others. They don’t feel envy as they are satisfied with what they already have. Instead, they are happy for what others have accomplished. This is the most difficult trick. Keeping up with the Joneses is part of our culture. Focus on how you can make your friends more prosperous and they will do the same for you.
23. They sleep well. How would you expect to give each day your best if you are groggy and tired? Get a solid 7-8 hours every night.
24. They are able to relax. They make sure they make time for themselves and do not feel lazy, or guilty about it. They realize that they have earned their ‘me time.’ They don’t give to receive. Instead they are instinctively generous with those they care about. Personally I like to use the amazing power of essential oils to help me to relax. For example, you can use essential oils for a relaxing bath or massage, or just inhaling some of them will help you to relax and clear your mind. I frequently refer to my e-book the Magical Aromatherapy Guide to get ideas on how to pamper myself using essential oils.
25. They are not materialistically minded. They realize that it’s not designer clothes or expensive cars that make us truly happy. It is success and relationships that are the true source of happiness.

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